Women enjoy all sorts of reasons to get together. Whether it’s quilting, book club, or just a chat over coffee, women will find any excuse to convene. What better way to do this than to hitch up a travel trailer or pitch a tent for a little outdoor adventure. Girl Camper is a group of women who love to camp. Bonnie Shafto is a guide for this adventurous bunch and took the time to share her story of how she became a Girl Camper Guide.

How did you get into camping?

I grew up camping with my family, and we had a pop and we had a truck camper.  Also, my dad died when I was younger, and then my mom took us across the country in a van.  My husband and I both tented with our kids cross country, and then, when I got to be an empty nester, I got my own vintage camper.  And I love it.  I love being outside, and it’s fun. It’s great to get away with women.


How often are you able to get out and camp?

Right now, I have an RV, and a 16-foot trailer.  I love it.  I just go.  I do a lot of women camping, so I organize events and stuff like that.  I also host a lot of events in Texas where it is too hot in the summer, so I tend to do some in the mountains of New Mexico.


Even though your camper is your shelter of choice, do you ever tent camp or stay in a cabin?

Yes, I usually try to book stuff where there is a place with cabins and tents where everybody’s accepted when they come to our campouts for Girl Camper.


What is your favorite camping destination?

Put me next to a lake or an ocean or river, and I am good.   I love the water, love to go swimming, kayaking, canoeing, that type of thing, rafting.  In fact, I went to the Grand Canyon this past year.  That was like the ultimate experience, eight days on the Grand Canyon with 23 other women, and we had a great time sleeping out underneath the stars.  This year is going to be in Idaho.  We’re doing a Girl Camper Idaho trip.


What are some specific challenges when it comes to camping for women?

I don’t really see any challenges.  You know, maybe strength to lift the cooler out of the car, but otherwise, no.  Towing is the same for men and women, backing up.  It’s a skill set that’s learned.  In fact, I do it all better than my husband cause sometimes when I go camping with him, he’s like, “you just do it, honey.”

The way they make things nowadays, electric jacks, you can push a button to make the stabilizers go down instead of cranking them.  It’s super easy, and I just leave my big heavy Yeti in the truck and bring my food to the truck, so I just leave it there all the time.


How did the Girl Camper group get started?

It was founded by Jenine Pettit.  She’s our camper in chief. Janine started about seven years ago with podcasts and blogs and she started with a Facebook page, and it just grew and grew until about three years ago.  She asked me to come on as one of the first guides.  And what I like to do is plan trips, and I said sure because I was already doing trips with Sisters on the Fly, so this has just been a growing experience for me.  I love inspiring women, empowering them for this age group (empty nesters) or any age.  You know, women that want to get outside, it’s like, you can do it, and she’s (Janine) is great.  She’s very inspirational, and I love her.


What do you think makes it such a popular forum?

I would say, you know, you look at women, a hundred years ago, fifty years ago.  They were able to get together.  They were able to quilt, or I can remember Mrs. Hanley and Mrs. Chambers coming over for coffee with my mom.  You had that activity of women supporting each other, and nowadays, we don’t.  We’re busy with our careers, we’re busy with our kids, and you don’t have that support.  I love it because you can go to the campgrounds, sit by the fire, and you’ll have women from different walks of life, nothing you have in common with except really the love of camping and going outdoors.  I’ve met everything from writers to fighter pilots to nurses, and teachers.  And, these women would do anything for you.  They will hop in the car and go, and that’s the type of person I have always been, and I really enjoy having that connection with other women because I think we miss that in our lives.


What are your top camping tips for women who are looking to venture into the camping world?

Just do it!  You can start.  I have seen women start in their cars, making little curtains, putting the air mattress in there, to tents, and then just slowly building.  It’s great to see people come along, or I know women that are widows, divorced, and been in situations, but just to get out and be out and away from everything I think is wonderful.  Really just step in and do it because the women you meet will give you empowerment, and I see women in their 80’s camping and towing and I’m like “I want to be like them in twenty years.

What are some security concerns and how do you address those when you’re camping?

Most of the time I’m camping with other women at a campground, and I’ve got 40 women, and I’m surrounded by other people.  I have never ever had a problem.   You know, I suggest to women who are scared of that either, you can sleep with your keys and turn your car alarm off.  You can have a mag flashlight close by.  You can even put big boots outside your door.  I’ve never had anyone knock in the middle of the night.  If that I’d be “like honey get it… get the door.”  You know and being in Texas, golly you could have a bunch of women coming out ready.  No, I do not have a problem.  I do not feel scared at all.  I feel very confident.  You can also put an air horn in.  You know, anything to make noise.  Or turn on the car lights because your neighbors on a campground are not gonna like alarms going off.  I have no fear at all, and I never did growing up either.  I think people who meet in a campground are the nicest people you’re ever gonna meet.


What would your dream camping trip be?

I have done a lot of trips.  I think right now it’s going to Alaska and camp.  I would love that.  I’ve been to just about all 50 states, and, you know someplace different.  I love Maine.  I just I’m happy.  I’m happy anywhere.  I just came back from Florida and swimming with the Manatees camping, so yeah it’s fun just to get away and be outdoors it’s gorgeous, beautiful scenery.


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